Third Meeting

JUNE 2021
The Wotics Meeting Group have been performed in Bologna, Italy in June 2021. During the meeting the participants agreed the future steps to be arranged for the project.
The team is near to completion of the Virtual Reality System for supporting people with Asperger Syndrome in the social inclusion process in work settings.
The partners are proceeding on the completion of the 5 scenarios designed to teach social skills to people with Asperger Syndrome.
The Virtual Reality Simulator will be translated in English, Spanish, Italian, German and Romanian in order to be widely used by target group members.
We also shared ideas to plan the Multiplier Event of the project, an event that will be held in the participating countries in order to share the project results: Guide, ChatBot and Virtual Reality Simulator.
The event will be held in Rome, Italy on the 10th December 2021. We invite you to attend the event. Feel free to forward this email to all people interested in the project.